Trail Conditions

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Yesterday Jeff groomed 517 to the intersection of 514 then up 514 as far as Portage River which is didn’t seem safe to cross, he started a snow bridge and hopefully next time back it will all be froze up nicely, so he turned and headed back to town and did all Newcastle trails before he called it quits in the early morning hours. Bobby and Robert did a tag team effort and groomed 517 to the Moose Barn. Mark Thursday, January 23rd on your calendar as we are having a fundraiser supper at the Halcomb Moose Barn, you will need to book your tickets in advance 836-2416 or contact Bobby Norton or Paul Barry, roast beef with all the trimmings, tea, coffee and dessert (chocolate cake), 6:30 pm, you can find them at the end of trail 517 or you can drive up, they are located at 1100 Halcomb Road. Get Out and Enjoy Your Trails.