Trail Conditions

Friday, February 21, 2020 -26º

RIDE ON YOUR SIDE, please keep this in mind during the busy weekend and at all times, it could be your own life you save. These cold nights sure help with the trails setting up nicely. Big thank you to Bobby for getting the corridor markers on trail 517 along the powerline put up, this completed the work the federation requested be done after our trail check last month, so all $1600 in fines have been forgiven. Last night Alan groomed all south side trails 510, 511, 21 and 52 both North and South. Yesterday Kyle groomed on the north side and he did 515, 521, 529, 525, 52 South to the Miramichi Bridge and 42 South to the Anderson Bridge. Dave had the 2009 BR180 and groomed 52 North to 513, then to the junction of 514 the continued south to 517 and then parked it in Sunny Corner for the nigh and will continue on 517 in the morning. Our next fundraiser supper at Halcomb Moose Barn will be Thursday, February 27th at 6:30 with Roast Beef and all the trimmings for only $15.00, this supper will be sponsored by Rae’s Trailer & Sports Center. Get Out and Enjoy Your Trails.