Saturday, March 7, 2020 -11º
RIDE ON YOUR SIDE. Nice to see these double digit minus temperatures, makes for a hard surface in the morning, which you may need scratchers for, but it will prolong the life of the trail base. Yesterday Dave had the 2009 BR180 and headed back to North Shore from his overnight stop and he went up through 514 to 513 over to 52 North, then 512 both ways and back down 52 to home base. Trails should be in good shape for the weekend. Below you will see an award we received from the Province of New Brunswick in recognition of our commitment to the sport of snowmobiling and our volunteer efforts, it sure is nice to be noticed for our work in promoting and furthering this sport and hopefully this is just the start of our Province recognizing that a 91 million dollar industry deserves funding to further this great sport of snowmobiling. Our next fundraiser will be Thursday, March 12, 6:30 pm, BBQ Chicken with all the trimmings at Nepisiguit Sports Lodge, this is put on by Nepisiguit Lodge as a thank you to our club for all the support they receive from our members and we very much appreciated this kind gesture. Get Out and Enjoy Your Trails.