March 15, 2022 -3º
Yesterday Allain groomed all Southside trails and was happy to report very little damage from the rain. He also mentioned that the crossings at Barnaby and Black River are solid, he groomed 52 North and South, 21 to Black River, plus 510 and 511. Yesterday Adam groomed 512, 515, 522, 521, 52 South to Mazda and fixed the beaver dam washout behind the traffic circle, thanks to Gary for bringing in pallets, with any luck, it will last the season now, also Adam mentioned on 521 where it was plowed just before McKinnon Road is now down to mud, yuck. Our newest operator Mike is grooming 52 North to the headpond and is still on the trail, hopefully we didn’t ruin him with such a long trip for his first one. As Adam would say, trails are turning green. Get Out and Enjoy Your Trails.